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Maize Variety Options for Africa Smallholders

Read about DTMA journey and success through pictures and country profiles featured in this series across the 13 DTMA countries. CIMMYT and IITA in close collaboration with private and public sector developed over 200 varieties with preferred farmer traits to help them address the drought constraint as well as other drought-related challenges. Each infograph provides country-specific maize production context and unfolding changes in maize production thanks to the released drought-tolerant varieties. In 2014 alone, 54,000 metric tons of certified drought-tolerant maize seed was produced across the 13 DTMA countries. And though each country faces unique challenges in adopting these new varieties, invaluable collaboration with over 100 national seed companies, has made it possible to get the seed to 43 million smallholders and their families. CIMMYT will continue to increase production and availability of affordable drought-tolerant seed so that more smallholders can benefit.

The legacy of drought tolerant maize in Africa

The Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa Project has contributed towards improving seed system in sub-Saharan Africa for the past almost nine years (2007–2015), through development of drought-tolerant well-adapted maize hybrids and open-pollinated varieties to help farmers across 13 countries in eastern, west and southern Africa, cope with drought constraint in maize farming. In 2014 alone, the project supported production of nearly 54,000 tons of certified DT maize seed benefitting an estimated 5.4 million households – or 43 million people – across the DTMA countries (Angola, Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe). The project was jointly implemented among the National Agricultural Research systems by CIMMYT and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and concluded at the end of December 2015.

DT Maize Vol. 4 No. 4 December 2015

This last edition of DTMaize bulletin marks the conclusion of the Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa (DTMA) Project launched in 2007 and implemented in 13 countries across sub-Saharan Africa. For the past nine years DTMA has contributed towards improving seed system in sub-Saharan Africa through development and dissemination of drought-tolerant maize varieties to help farmers cope with drought constraint in maize farming. This final issue of the bulletin highlights major milestones of DTMA over the nine seasons thanks to a rewarding private-public partnership.