Companies stocking Drought Tolerant Seeds
Seed Company DT Variety Stocked Characteristics Company contact details Agropecauria Kambondo CZH0819 Medium Maturing three-way hybrid with excellent drought tolerance Antonio Emílio Faceira Faceira IIA ZM523 Early maturing OPV Dibanzilua Nginamau -
Seed Company DT Variety Stocked Characteristics Company contact details Four farmer groups (Pade, Angaradébou, Tobre, Sonsoro Seed Producers) Ku Gnaayi Extra-early maturing, white dent/flint, Striga and MSV resistant, drought escaping open-pollinated variety Yallou Chabi G. INRAB/CRAN BP 884, Cotonou Republic of Benin +22997164872 Mougnangui Early maturing, white dent/ flint, Striga and MSV resistant, DT open-pollinated variety Ya Kouro Guora Guinm Early maturing, white dent/ flint, MSV resistant, DT open-pollinated variety Orou Kpintéké Early maturing, white dent/ flint, MSV resistant, drought tolerant open-pollinated variety Djéma-Bossi Intermediate maturing, white dent/ flint, Striga and MSV resistant, drought tolerant open-pollinated variety IW DC2SYN F2 Intermediate maturing, white dent/ flint, Striga and MSV resistant, drought tolerant open-pollinated variety -
Seed Company DT Variety Stocked Characteristics Company contact details Ethiopian Seed Enterprise (ESE) Melkassa-2 OPV, DT, medium maturing, high yielding Tafesse Gebru
General Manager
P O Box 2453, Addis Ababa
+251 116 610874 (office)
+251 911-511553Melkassa-4 OPV, DT, early maturing and good yield potential Oromia See Enterprise (OSE) Melkassa-2 OPV, DT, medium maturing and high yielding Kedir Nefo
General Manager
P.O. Box 312 code 1250
Addis Ababa
+251 114662512
+251 913645254Melkassa-4 OPV, DT, early maturing, better yield potential Meki-Batu Farmers Cooperative Union (MBFCU) Melkassa-2 OPV, DT, medium maturing and high yielding Etefa Getahun
Manager, MBFCU +251 911383935Melkassa-4 OPV, DT, early maturing with better yield potential -
Seed Company DT Variety Stocked Characteristics Company contact details Alpha Seed Company, Savanna Seed Company, Ghana Seed Producers Association Dorke SR Early maturing, white dent/ flint, MSV resistant, drought tolerant open-pollinated variety Felicia Ewool
Alpha Seed Enterprises
P O Box 3785 Kumasi
alphaseedent@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Patrick Apulla
Savanna Seeds Services Ltd
P O Box E R 42,Tamale
aapullah@yahoo.comaapullah@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view itAkposoe Extra-early maturing, white dent/flint, MSV resistant, drought escaping open-pollinated variety EV 99 QPM Extra-early maturing, white dent/flint, MSV resistant, drought escaping open-pollinated QPM variety Alpha Seed Company, Savanna Seeds Company, M & B Seed Company. TZE – W POP 99 STR QPM Early maturing, white dent/ flint, MSV resistant, drought tolerant open-pollinated QPM variety Felicia Ewool
Alpha Seed Enterprises
P O Box 3785 Kumasi
alphaseedent@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Patrick Apulla Savanna Seeds Services Ltd
P O Box E R 42, Tamale
aapullah@yahoo.comaapullah@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Benjamin Kemetse
M&B Seeds and Agro-Services
P O Box 496 Ho, Ghana
bkemetse1@yahoo.combkemetse1@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view itEV DT-W 99 STR QPM TZEE – Y POP STR QPM Extra-early maturing, white dent/flint, MSV resistant, drought escaping open-pollinated QPM variety -
Seed Company DT Variety Stocked Characteristics Company contact details Dryland Seed Syokimau Road, Machakos KDV4
KDV1OPV, good husk cover, yield of 12 – 18 bags per acre
+254 44 21449 +254 722 829 287Freshco Kenya Nairobi KDV1
KDV6OPV, extra-early maturity, large cobs/stalk (KDV-6)
+254 20 232 4797Western Seed Company WH505
WH403Three-way hybrid, DT and disease resistant
+254 722514236/+254 735700121(cell)Kitale office: +254 54 30232/30994 Nairobi contact: +254 20 890804
P O Box 1022 Kitale, Kenya -
Seed Company DT Variety Stocked Characteristics Company contact details Funwe Farm MH26 Intermediate maturing hybrid Jon Lane
Managing Director
Funwe Farm Ltd
PO Box 2270 Blantyre Malawi
+265 999 965145
+265 888 834976
jonlane@africa-online.netDemeter ZM309 Ultra early DT white flinty OPV Thandize Loti ZM523 Early maturing drought tolerant OPV ZM623 Medium maturing OPV ZM721 Late maturing OPV Peacock CAP9001 Medium maturing three-way hybrid with excellent drought tolerance Felix Elia Jumbe -
Seed Company DT Variety Stocked Characteristics Company contact details Faso Kaba Seed Company, Société Semencière du Mali Nielleni Extra-early maturing, yellow dent/flint, MSV resistant, drought escaping open-pollinated variety Maimouna Coulibaly
Fasokaba Seed Company, Yirimadio Route De Segou Immeuble Bakary Togola, Bamako, Mali
Djibril Traore Cooperative Nipagnon (Loutana) nipagnonloutana@yahoo.comTZE Comp 3 DT Early maturing, white dent/ flint, MSV resistant, drought tolerant open-pollinated variety AC TZE Comp. 5 -Y Early maturing, yellow flint, MSV resistant, drought escaping open- pollinated variety Faso Kaba Seed Company, Société Semencière du Mali, Community-based seed producers EV DT 97 STR C1 Early maturing, white dent/ flint, Striga and MSV resistant, drought tolerant open-pollinated variety Maimouna Coulibaly
Fasokaba Seed Company, Yirimadio Route De Segou Immeuble Bakary Togola, Bamako, Mali
Djibril Traore Cooperative Nipagnon (Loutana)
Dembele Issa M. B.P. 9336 Imm. Moctar Koni Porte 443- Rue 978 Ngolonina Bamako comptoir2000@afribonemali.netTZEE-Y STR C4 Extra-early maturing, yellow flint, Striga and MSV resistant, drought escaping open-pollinated variety -
Seed Company DT Variety Stocked Characteristics Company contact details Dengo DC1 Early maturing DT white grained hybrid Mauricio Dengo ZM309 Ultra early drought tolerant white flinty OPV ZM523 Early maturing drought tolerant OPV Semente Perfeita SM1 Medium maturing drought tolerant hybrid David Mariote Lozane Farms MOLOCUE Intermediate drought tolerant white hybrid Bakir Lozane +258825777711
Av. Vladimir Lenine No.2177R/C, Maputo, Mozambique+258824094320/+258823064419/ +258845994828
Lozane Farms, Mozambique -
Seed Company DT Variety Stocked Characteristics Company contact details Forty-nine seed producers in eight villages in North West State, Nine farmer groups in four communities in Borno State, Premier Seed Company, Maslaha Seed Company, Seed Project Company, Manomer Seed Company, All Green Seed Company. 2000 Syn EE-W Extra-early maturing, white dent/flint, Striga and MSV resistant, drought escaping open-pollinated variety Prof Abraham Ogungbile
Premier Seed Nigeria Ltd
Chikaji Industries Estate
Zaria, Kaduna
Ibrahim Abdulahi
Maslaha seeds Ltd
Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria
Lawan Gwadabe No. 47
Buhari Complex, Hadejia Road
Yakaba, Kano
Amos Abba No. 19
Dutse Reme Katsina Road
Funtua, Katsian State
Yakubu Atar
All Green Seeds Ltd
Forty-nine seed producers in eight villages in North West State, nine farmer groups in four communities in Borno State, Premier Seed Company, Maslaha Seed Company, Seed Project, Manomer Seed Company, All Green Seed Company 99 TZEE-Y STR Extra-early maturing, yellow flint, Striga and MSV resistant, drought escaping open-pollinated variety. Prof Abraham Ogungbile
Premier Seed Nigeria Ltd
Chikaji Industries Estate
Zaria, Kaduna
Ibrahim Abdulahi
Maslaha Seeds Ltd
Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria
Lawan Gwadabe
No. 47 Buhari Complex, Hadejia Road
Yakaba, Kano
Amos Abba No. 19, Dutse Reme Katsina Road, Funtua, Katsian State
Yakubu Atar
All Green Seeds Ltd
yakubuatar@yahoo.comForty-nine seed producers in eight villages in North West State, nine farmer groups in four communities in Borno State, Premier Seed Company, Maslaha Seed Company, Seed Project Company, Manomer Seed Company, All Green Seed Company, Alheri Seed EV DT-W 99 STR Early maturing, white dent/ flint, Striga and MSV resistant, drought drought tolerant open-pollinated variety Prof Abraham Ogungbile
Premier Seed Nigeria Ltd
Chikaji Industries Estate
Zaria, Kaduna
Ibrahim Abdulahi
Maslaha Seeds Ltd
Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria
Lawan Gwadabe
No. 47 Buhari Complex
Hadejia Road, Yakaba, Kano
Amos Abba
No. 19, Dutse Reme Katsina Road
Funtua Katsian State
Boman Nagari
Seed Nigeria Ltd
Post office (NIPOST) Zaria
P O Box 141
Yakubu Atar
All Green Seeds Ltd
Mallam Mohammed
H. Jikur Cooperative Seed Producers Nassarawa ward, Biu
P O Box, 624
jirkuseeds@yahoo.comForty-nine seed producers in eight villages in North West, nine farmer groups in four communities in Borno State, Premier Seed Company, Maslaha Seed Company, Seed Project, Manomer Seed Company, Al Green Seed Company, Alheri Seed TZE Comp 3 DT Early maturing, white dent/ flint, MSV resistant, drought tolerant open-pollinated variety Prof Abraham Ogungbile
Premier Seed Nigeria Ltd
Chikaji Industries Estate, Zaria, Kaduna
Ibrahim Abdulahi
Maslaha Seeds Ltd
Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria
Lawan Gwadabe
No. 47 Buhari Complex
Hadejia Road, Yakaba, Kano
Amos Abba No. 19
Dutse Reme Katsina Road
Funtua, Katsian State
Yakubu Atar
AllGreen Seeds Ltd
A M Sarki
IAR Seed Improvement Unit
Plant Science Department – IAR
amsarki@yahoo.comForty-nine seed producers in eight villages in North West, IAR Pool 16 DT Forty-nine seed producers in eight villages in North West State, Nine farmer groups in four communities in Borno State, Premier Seed Company, Maslaha Seed Company, Seed Project Company, Manomer Seed Company, All Green Seed Company 99TZEE-Y Pop STR QPM C0 Extra-early early maturing, yellow dent/ flint, MSV resistant, drought tolerant open-pollinated QPM variety Prof Abraham Ogungbile
Premier Seed Nigeria Ltd
Chikaji Industries Estate
Zaria, Kaduna
Ibrahim Abdulahi
Maslaha seeds Ltd
Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria
Lawan Gwadabe
No. 47 Buhari Complex
Hadejia Road
Yakaba, Kano
Amos Abba
No. 19, Dutse Reme Katsina Road
Funtua, Katsian State
Yakubu Atar
All Green Seeds Ltd
yakubuatar@yahoo.comForty-nine seed producers in nine villages in North West State, Nine farmer groups in four communities in Borno State, Premier Seed Company, Maslaha Seed Company, Seed Project Company IAR Multicob Early DT Early maturing, white dent/ flint, MSV resistant, drought tolerant open-pollinated variety Prof Abraham Ogungbile
Premier Seed Nigeria Ltd
Chikaji Industries Estate
Zaria, Kaduna
Ibrahim Abdulahi
Maslaha seeds Ltd
Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria
Lawan Gwadabe
No. 47 Buhari Complex
Hadejia Road
Yakaba, Kano
seedproject@yahoo.com2000 EV DT-Y STR C4 Early maturing, yellow dent/ flint, MSV resistant, drought tolerant open-pollinated variety 2000 Syn EE – W STR QPM CO Extra-early maturing, white dent/ flint, MSV resistant, drought tolerant open-pollinated QPM variety Forty-nine seed producers in eight villages in North West, Premier Seed Company, Manomer Seed Company, Al Green Seed Company DT STR-W C0 Intermediate maturing, white dent/ flint, Striga resistant and MSV resistant, drought tolerant open-pollinated variety Prof Abraham
Ogungbile Premier Seed Nigeria Ltd
Chikaji Industries Estate, Zaria, Kaduna
Amos Abba
No. 19, Dutse Reme Katsina Road
Funtua, Katsian State
Yakubu Atar
Allgreen Seeds Ltd
Olafare Richard
No 28/30 Adoka
Housing Ltd, Bukuru, Jos C2 Syn F2 Premier Seed Company, Maslaha Seed Company, Seed Project Company, Alheri Seed Company H16-8 Intermediate maturing drought tolerant single-cross hybrid Prof Abraham Ogungbile
Premier Seed Nigeria Ltd
Chikaji Industries Estate
Zaria, Kaduna
Ibrahim Abdulahi
Maslaha Seeds Ltd
Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria
Lawan Gwadabe
No. 47 Buhari Complex
Hadejia Road, Yakaba, Kano
Yakubu Atar
Alheri Seeds Nigeria Ltd
1 MTD Rd, opposite MTD Police Barracks off GRA, Zaria
yakubuatar@yahoo.comHY02-2 H06-15 HY02-5 Intermediate maturing drought tolerant top-cross hybrid M0826-1 Intermediate maturing drought tolerant three-way cross hybrid M0826-3 M0826-7 Intermediate maturing drought tolerant top-cross hybrid M0826-11 -
Seed Company DT Variety Stocked Characteristics Company contact details Suba-Agro Trading & Engineering Company Ltd SAH838 Medium maturing, DT white hybrid, with excellent MSV, GLS and NLB resistance
P O Box 14702, Arusha – Tanzania
+255 254 8541 / +255 786217666 (Tel)+255 254 8541 (Fax)
SAH836 Early maturing DT hybrid SA523 DT, early maturing white-grained OPV Meru HB513 Intermediate maturing drought and low-N tolerant white-grained hybrid with excellent MSV, GLS and NLB resistant
Meru Agro-Tours & Consultants Co Ltd
P. O. Box 13867
Arusha, TanzaniaTanseed International TANH600 Medium maturing DT hybrid with excellent disease resistance Isaka Mashauri
Managing Director & CEO TANSEED International Ltd
P O Box 140, Njombe, Tanzania
Cell: +255 784 352412
tanseed@yahoo.comTAN250 Early maturing drought tolerant OPV TAN254 Late-maturing OPV -
Seed Company DT Variety Stocked Characteristics Company contact details Naseco Seeds Longe 10H Hybrid, DT, resistant to MSV and TLB
+256 776 618 004/5/6/7Longe 7H High yields, ideal for mid altitude, bred with drought and storage pest resistance. Erect leaves and good lodging resistance. MSV, GLS, NLB and Turcicum resistance. -
Seed Company DT Variety Stocked Characteristics Company contact details Kamano Seeds ZM721 Late-maturing White OPV Sylvia Horemans ZM625 Medium maturing white OPV ZM423 Early maturing white OPV KAM601 Medium three-way white drought tolerant hybrid with excellent leaf disease resistance KAM602 Medium three-way white drought tolerant hybrid with excellent leaf disease resistance -
Seed Company DT Variety Stocked Characteristics Company contact details Sandbrite ZM309 Ultra-early white, flinty OPV Obert Randi
obirandi@gmail.comProgene Seeds PGS61 Intermediate maturing white hybrid with excellent drought tolerance
1A Kent Road Chisipite
P O Box BW1500, Borrowdale Harare, Zimbabwe
+263 4 443828/443931-4 (Tel)
+263 712 415905 +263 772 572600 (cell)
+ 263-4 443 829 (Fax)Agriseeds AGS41 Early maturing white hybrid Agriseeds (Pvt) Ltd
5 Wimbledon Drive
Eastlea Harare Zimbabwe
+2634700655/701795/701846 (Tel)
+263773270682 (cell)ZM527 Drought tolerant early white OPV ZM309 Ultra early drought tolerant white flinty OPV Pristine Seeds Ptris601 Medium maturing white hybrid with excellent drought tolerance and leaf disease resistance John Makoni
DT Drought Tolerant
GLS Gray Leaf Spot
MSV Maize Streak Virus
OPV Open Pollinated Varieties
QPM Quality Protein Maize
A New Generation of Maize for Africa
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